Goodbye clickbait, hello community

goodbye clickbait science focus
illustration commissioned by BBC Science Focus

I made this illustration above for the latest issue of BBC Science Focus for Aleks Krotoski’s column where Aleks talks about the internet in the age of the algorithm which has turned the world wide web into an echo chamber and how we should welcome back diversity, critical thinking and a sense of community.

In some ways I thought that posting this illo with the character clearing up emojis and internet stuff would fit well in putting 2020 behind us and looking forward to what 2021 can offer, most may see it as a kind of reset but I’m hoping that things go get better for everyone and that we can all grow from this experience in the end.

I’m hoping to get looking into making a new website which hopefully this will be soon once I’ve looked into some things and figure out what is the best option to proceed with.

I hope that everyone has had a great Christmas and an amazing new year, lets make 2021 the best it can be.