Mage Paint – Famicase 2021

paint mage

Mage Paint

Famicase 2021

An illustration made for METEOR’s Famicase 2021 titled Paint Mage – a draw & Paint Adventure.

The art show which is an annual show was held during Golden week back in Late April where the artwork is shown on Famicom cartridges created by 250 artists and designers from around the world.

It is encouraged to write a brief story about your fake game with mine being about an RPG where you have to draw and paint your way through your quest.

The world has fallen into chaos as an unknown entity has taken all the colour out of this fair kingdom to the point of being frozen in time. It is up to you a local druid and his trusty magic paintbrush to bring back colour to these lands in this puzzle based RPG where all is not what it seems.

paint mage

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