Mindweave Art Show – Wow x Wow

The Mindweave flyer which shows a sneak peek of the piece I have contributed to the show.

Mindweave is the latest art show being held by Wow x Wow, the show will open at 7pm GMT on the 5th of February till the 26th at wowxwow.com and will feature artwork from 70 artists from around the world.

I’ve gone with a more surreal piece as my contribution to the show which you can see a little sneak peek of it in the flyer design above. It’s great to get back at making something for Wow x Wow again and hopefully there will be more exhibitions to come.

More info about the Mindweave exhibition can be found over at Wow x Wow which gives a little sample of what art pieces to expect and more.

Hope you can all check it out and enjoy this show!