Mike Tyson’s Punch-out!! 30th Anniversary Art Show

Don’t Cry, Mac is the latest Art Show that is currently being held at Gallery 1988 West, the show is a celebration of the 1987 nes classic Punch-Out in which the diminutive Little Mac squares up with numerous contenders to work his way to the big fight with then real world champion Mike Tyson.

Here is my contribution to the show in which I made all the character round portraits and then put them together into this one piece. I’ve also included Mr. Dream who replaced Tyson when the game was reprinted many years later.

I’ve replicated the orignal 8bit sprites into more detailed artwork while also keep the overall look and feel while adding a few tweaks here and there to bring out the best of the overall character design.

My contribution is available to buy as a limited edition print from both the gallery or on their online store:

Scott Balmer "Punch-Out!!" Print

The show is currently open and runs from the 17th of March to the 1st of April at Gallery 1988 WEST, Los Angeles, CA.