Big Whoop – Monkey Island

big whoop

Big Whoop - Monkey Island

Part of the Fake Theme Parks Art Show

The Fake Theme Parks Art Show is the latest event curated by Chogrin where the imaginary attractions featured in film, television, video games including other forms of popular culture are brought to life in the form of maps, posters, flyers & memorabilia currently being held at Gallery 1988.

I based my contribution on making a map of Big Whoop and the carnival of the Damed which was part of the Monkey Island franchise of video games. I tried to incorporate as such references from the series as possible while also mixing up and adding parts to the carnival of the damned as aside from Big Whoop there really isn’t much else mentioned so it was nice to add things such as the voodoo swamp, skull island and even the Scumm Bar into this illustration.

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